The application ‘Music Lesson NotePad’ does not collect or retain any information related in any way to its users.
The ‘Microphone’ feature is used for recording an ‘Audio Note’, or to dictate
a ‘Text Note’ or a ‘Remark Note’.
The ‘Camera’ feature is for recording a ‘Video Note’.
All notes are saved only on the device and thus are accessible only to the owner of the device.
The process of purchasing or restoring a Pro license as well as purchasing a subscription
is handled exclusively by the respective on-line applications store - either Apple AppStore or Google Play Store.
At no stage of the process of purchasing, does the application ‘Music Lesson NotePad’ collect and/or
retain any personal information about the user/purchaser.
The only case of obtaining user's personal information – specifically, user's email address – is via user-initiated ‘Contact Us’ feature.
This Policy is in effect and has no expiration.
Dr. Igor Borodin
April 26, 2014